
Lorna King – marketing professional and mum-of-two from Edinburgh – hadn’t been on a bike for seven years before the outbreak of Covid-19. 

Like many people in Scotland, Lorna had cycled as a child but, due to lack of confidence and a busy family life, had never got into the habit as an adult.

Giving it a shot

“I've always liked the idea of going for a family cycle,” she said, “but, if I'm honest, any time there would have been an opportunity, I just didn't have the confidence.” 

“With social distancing and then lockdown, the time we normally spend taking the girls to gymnastics, dancing and swimming is now freed up and our daily exercise has become more precious.”

Lorna decided to get out her old bike that had been gathering dust in the garage and join her family for her first bike ride in nearly a decade. “I definitely felt a sense of accomplishment after my first cycle. Getting used to the gears again was something I needed some help with a bit at the beginning but got there within a few minutes,” she said.

“The girls have loved us all getting out together on our bikes and we plan to keep cycling as a family.””