Sign up to Bikeability Scotland

Fresh start this term

This last year has been difficult for everyone. And in these uncertain times, it is not always easy to keep up with changing restrictions. The good news is that Bikeability Scotland cycle training has returned to schools across the country. So keep up the momentum of a physically active summer, by offering a great outdoor learning opportunity to your pupils.

As the national cycle training programme for school children, Bikeability Scotland is designed to give children the skills and confidence they need to cycle safely on the roads, and to encourage them to carry on cycling into adulthood.

Just like learning to swim, learning to cycle safely is an essential life skill. Support the next generation of confident and responsible road users by signing up your school today!

All you need to do is get in touch with your local Bikeability Scotland coordinator. All participating local authorities have one and you will find their details by clicking on the link below.