We aim to establish cycling as an accessible and practical travel option for people across Scotland.
From tackling the climate emergency to helping people stay physically and mentally healthy, bikes have an important role to play in supporting our environment, our economy, our society and our health.
Our vision
A sustainable, inclusive and healthy Scotland where anyone, anywhere can enjoy all the benefits of cycling.
Our mission
We are Scotland’s national cycling charity. Working with others, we get more people cycling, more safely and easily in a better environment.
Our values
As individuals we will lead by example and as an organisation, our values are to be:
- Collaborative
- Inclusive
- Professional & evidence-driven
- Ambitious
- Sustainable

Our charitable objects
(a) to promote and advance awareness and understanding of the significant health, social, environmental and economic benefits of getting more people cycling safely and confidently for everyday travel, exercise and recreation;
(b) to advance the education of the public generally and young people in particular in safer cycling and cycling road safety, including through delivery of cycle training for people of all ages;
(c) to promote and support the design and delivery of inclusive and widely available routes, paths and associated facilities for cycling, walking and other forms of low energy and sustainable transport; and
(d) to undertake projects, programmes and activities of a charitable nature aimed at reducing barriers to cycling and contributing to achieving local and national objectives and outcomes in relation to improving health and wellbeing, economic and environmental sustainability and reducing inequalities.

Key policy documents
Links to key documents related to active travel and transport policy in Scotland, including national strategies and guidance.
- Cycling Framework for Active Travel: A plan for everyday cycling
- Active Travel Framework
- Scotland’s National Transport Strategy 2 (NTS2)
- Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 (STPR2)
- Scotland's Climate Change Plan (CCP)
- The Place Based Investment Programme and Framework
- National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4)
- Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030
- Active Scotland Delivery Plan
- Cycling by Design (2021 update)
- 2016 CAPS Progress ReportSize: 1 MB
- 2015 International Comparator StudySize: 2 MB