Cycling Scotland Conference
10 September 2025
The Cycling Scotland Conference is coming to Dundee on Wednesday 10th September 2025. Join other experts and decision-makers, from across Scotland, to share learning and celebrate progress towards enabling more people to cycle for everyday journeys.
An agenda for the day will be published in late spring/ early summer. Confirmed key note speakers to date:
· Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP
· Leader of Dundee City Council, Mark Flynn
Registration will open in late spring / early summer. If you’d like to hear when we announce keynote speakers, open early-bird ticket sales and launch exhibiting opportunities please sign up to our mailing list. If you’ve attended a previous conference, you will already be on our mailing list, unless you have unsubscribed.

Host city
This September, we’ll be in Dundee for the first time since 2018. Dundee is committed to supporting more people to travel by bike. Progress includes installing on-street residential cycle storage across the city, delivery of on-road Bikeability cycle training in every primary school and completing the Broughty Ferry to Monifieth off-road route. They are also developing plans for the Active Freeways programme to provide dedicated routes, connecting communities, including Ninewells, Lochee, Stobswell and Strathmartine to the city centre.
Venue and accessibility
Our venue this year is the City Quay Apex Hotel in Dundee. The venue is fully accessible for wheelchair users and is easy to reach by active and public transport.
If you have any questions regarding access, please contact us on conference@cycling.scot

What to expect
Each year, around 250 delegates attend the national Conference for everyday cycling, including local authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, Scottish Government, private and third sector organisations working in active travel and many others involved in supporting more people to cycle for everyday journeys.
Speakers over the years have included Tjaša Ficko, Deputy Mayor of Ljubljana; Amanda Ngabirano, former Vice President of the World Cycling Alliance; Adrien Sartre, Advisor to the Deputy Mayor of Paris and Devi Sridhar, Professor and Chair in Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh.

Exhibition and sponsorship
Interested in sponsorship and/or exhibiting? Contact conference@cycling.scot for information.
I thought the theme and content of the speakers and breakout sessions were great this year. Packed a punch! The roundtable discussions were really useful.