Keith Irving
Chief Executive
Keith became Cycling Scotland's Chief Executive in July 2014 and is responsible for leading the organisation and the delivery of our mission. Previously he led Living Streets Scotland for six years and has worked in transport planning and policy research. He chairs the Cycling Action Plan Delivery Forum and National Cycling Interest Group, and serves on the Road Safety Operational Partnership Group and Police Scotland Tactical Options Working Group.
Christopher Johnson
Head of Training & Education
Christopher manages Cycling Scotland's training and education projects, including national standard cycle training for all ages and vulnerable road user awareness for other road users. Previously he worked in project management with NHS National Services Scotland, and he serves on the UK Cycle Training Standards Board.
Denise Hamilton
Head of Communications
Denise manages communications, policy and monitoring for Cycling Scotland, including the Give Cycle Space and Pedal for Scotland campaigns. Denise is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and previously managed communications teams at Energy Saving Trust and Police Scotland.
Bernard Ruddy
Head of Finance and Corporate Services
Bernard is responsible for managing and overseeing all aspects of Cycling Scotland’s finances and corporate services. Previously he worked in a similar role for ten years with a charity in the social care sector.
Rowena Colpitts
Head of Transport Planning & Engineering
TP&E is a social enterprise consultancy which, as part of Cycling Scotland, supports the charity’s active travel endeavours through its profits. With over 20 years of sustainable transport design and delivery experience, Rowena leads a team of specialised engineers in working with a variety of clients and partners throughout Scotland. Rowena also promotes good practice in the wider field through offering free Cycling Infrastructure Advice, supporting SOAN – the Scottish Outdoor Access Network and she is also a Chartered Mentor for the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Kath Brough
Head of Grant Funding and Partnerships
Kath has responsibility for the Access to bikes, parking and storage programmes and Cycling Friendly award engagement, working with workplaces, schools, colleges, universities, social housing and communities across Scotland. Kath previously worked as Travel Planning & Systems Manager for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde with responsibility for behavioural change programme promoting sustainable and active travel to the 38,000 workforce. Kath is a member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport and Board Trustee at Glasgow Eco Trust.