
Why cycling?

Cycling is a fun and practical way to keep active. As a form of transport, it’s good for the environment, and for many of us, our first sense of independence.

Bikeability Scotland training is a free, in-school programme that is supported by a network of qualified instructors, who are often teachers, parents, and members of the local community.

Bikeability Scotland cycle training can contribute to your child’s:

  • Emotional, social, and physical wellbeing
  • Hazard perception and awareness
  • Education and attainment
  • Confidence

You can check to see if your child’s school currently offers Bikeability Scotland training by searching on our school checker.

There are three levels of Bikeability Scotland training, and your child is ready for Level 1 as soon as they can ride a bike without stabilisers. Level 1 training is typically delivered in P5.

If you don’t have access to a bike, some schools and local authorities may have bikes you can borrow. Ask your school what support is available.

Everything you need to prepare your child for training can be found in our downloadable guide. The guide includes information about what each level of training includes and what skills will be developed.

As a parent or carer, the best thing you can do to support your child’s training is to show an interest and give encouragement.

Bikeability Scotland Approved Retailers

Our approved retailers can offer independent advice to parents when looking for bikes appropriate for Bikeability Scotland training alongside specialist knowledge about great places to cycle in your local area.


If you would like your child to continue with their Bikeability Scotland training but on-road training (Level 2) is not currently provided, there are practical steps that you can take.

Let your school know how important this next stage is.

Cycling on roads is a big next step. If you feel that the skills and confidence required are best developed in a school setting, you can contact your school directly.

Could you help your school to deliver Level 2 on-road cycle training by becoming an instructor yourself?

For Level 2 Bikeability Scotland training, schools require one instructor for every eight pupils. This can present challenges for some schools who might only have enough volunteers to cover Level 1 training.

If this is something that either yourself or another parent or guardian might be able to do, the first step is to contact your school and let them know that you are interested.

In the meantime, have a look at our training website which contains information about what is involved in becoming a Bikeability Scotland instructor and how it can benefit your personal development as well as supporting your child and their school.


It is likely that your child’s school is aware of Bikeability Scotland training, but the programme has not been established due to one of the following factors:

Our school doesn’t know that there is an interest in Bikeability Scotland training. The voices of parents and carers are an important way for schools to understand demand for Bikeability Scotland training. If you feel that this essential life skill is best developed in a school setting, you can let your school know by contacting them directly or by contacting your parent-teacher council or association.

Our school is interested in Bikeability Scotland training but not sure of next steps. Schools are busy places and Bikeability Scotland is most likely on a list of great things to do in the future. Directing the school to information and a point of contact might be the missing piece of the process.

Our school is looking for volunteers to become Bikeability Scotland instructors so that they can run the training. Schools can be keen to start Bikeability Scotland training but don’t have a trained instructor to run the course. By becoming an instructor, you could help your school take this final step and be part of introducing a generation of local children to the benefits and joys of cycling. You can find out more by visiting the instructor part of our website.

I feel strongly about Bikeability Scotland and want to encourage change for my local area. In 2017, the Scottish Parliament agreed a motion supporting active travel and the belief that “every schoolchild should have the opportunity to benefit from cycle training”.*

If your child’s school is not offering Bikeability Scotland training, contacting your local Councillor can be helpful to encourage a change.

*Scottish Parliament motion S5M-08497 on the promotion of active travel in Scotland.


If you are interested in supporting your child but are not currently confident or able to ride a bike, there are lots of ways that Cycling Scotland can help, including training.

Adult Cycle Training

This practical course can be adapted to match your experience and requirements and takes just 2 and a half hours to complete.

Family Cycle Training

This training course is for families looking to develop their confidence in cycling together. The sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the family and it is a fun and rewarding way of learning to cycle together.

Bikeability Scotland Approved Retailers

Our approved retailers can offer independent advice to parents when looking for bikes appropriate for Bikeability Scotland training alongside specialist knowledge about great places to cycle in your local area.


We talked to parents who currently volunteer to support Bikeability Scotland training. You can listen and read about their individual motivations and experiences by following the links below.

How to become a Bikeability Scotland instructor

Our training website also contains information about what is involved in becoming a Bikeability Scotland instructor and how it can benefit your personal development as well as supporting your child and their school.