Bikeability Scotland cycle training equips children with essential life skills. Pupils learn to ride confidently as well as gaining independence, social skills, and a sense of wellbeing.
How is Bikeability Scotland structured?
There are three levels of Bikeability Scotland training.
- Level 1 – Usually delivered in P5. Riders learn how to prepare for a journey, check their bike and equipment are safe, and develop control skills, good observations and decision making. They also learn the importance of sharing space responsibly with other people. Training is completed in a traffic free setting.
- Level 2 - Usually delivered in P6. Takes place on single lane roads with simple junctions and moderate traffic, after a rider has successfully demonstrated level 1 skills. Riders learn to make good and frequent observations, communicate their intentions clearly to other road users, decide on and use the most suitable riding position, understand priorities on a road and make decisions about when people wait and when people go.
- Level 3 – Usually delivered between P7 and S2. Develops skills and confidence for cycling on complex, busy or fast roads and junctions sometimes with heavy traffic. It takes place after a rider has successfully demonstrated all the level 2 outcomes.
The year groups suggested above are intended as a guide. Bikeability Scotland Level 1 training can be delivered as soon as children can balance on their bike.

Bikeability Level 2
Bikeability Level 1 is important. It creates a foundation that provides children with essential basic skills and knowledge including pre-ride safety checks, bike control and good observation. The core of the training, however, happens at Level 2 and this is why we would encourage your school to plan for the delivery of Levels 1 and 2 from the beginning, adding Level 3, if possible, at a later stage.
Level 2 is where the programme can be explicitly shown to support Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes as well as linking directly to Physical Education Significant Aspects of Learning (SALs).

Considerations for delivery of Bikeability Scotland training
Who will be delivering the training?
You will need to identify people to train as instructors. They might be a teacher, teaching assistant, other member of staff at the school, a parent of one of the pupils, or a member of the local community.
You don't need to be a cycling expert to become an instructor. Anyone with experience and confidence riding a bicycle can do the training.
Anyone delivering Bikeability Scotland training in schools, either on a voluntary basis or as part of a school or local authority role, can train as an instructor free of charge.
The timing of the training
Bikeability Scotland training usually takes place once a week over a 6-to-8-week period. Many of our schools prefer to deliver training during the warmer months of August to October and March to June but it can be run all year round.

Does my school have cycle training?
Use our school checker to see if your school offers Bikeability Scotland training.

More information about Bikeability Scotland
Links and resources to help support Bikeability in your school
- Contact your local Bikeability coordinator
- Instructor training
- Guide for primary schoolsSize: 234 KB
- Bikeability classroom packSize: 6 MB
- Bikeability postersSize: 654 KB
- Bikeability Spotlight: Ferryhill Primary School
- Bikeability Spotlight: St Bride's Primary School