1. Demonstrate. We need to how that the measures will positively influence an increase in staff cycle rates either to or for work.
2. Get comfy for some bedtime reading. Read the Guidance Notes carefully, particularly Section 5 ‘Fund Criteria’ which outlines the criteria Cycling Scotland and the panel will score applications on. Section 8 ‘Eligible Expenditure’ and Section 9 ‘Ineligible Expenditure’ as this will give you an idea of the type of projects Cycling Scotland are able to fund and what is excluded from this fund.
3. Value for money. Applications will be reviewed based on value for money and proportionate spend. For example, applying for an electric bike for each member of staff is unlikely to represent value for money or proportionate spend.
4. Evidence is king. A short travel survey will gauge the barriers for staff travelling to work and will show the panel that you have engaged with the stakeholders of the project. Get staff on board through consultations or team meetings.
5. Every little helps. Include value-in-kind or match funding. This might include a project manager’s staff time, additional support or purchases by your workplace, planned activities or events. Make sure you fill in the costs associated and don’t leave this section blank.
6. Reveal your sources. Where possible provide accurate, sourced costs for items.
7. Locked up. Cycling Scotland is unlikely to support applications towards bike storage lockers as they do not represent value for money and benefit only a minority of the staff population. Contact us to discuss alternatives if you are unsure.
8. Keep it short and to the point. The overall quality of the application will be scored. Ensure that you describe your project proposal and the need clearly by being succinct and clear.
9. A picture speaks a thousand words. Include photographs – this is a great way to give a better understanding of current cycling facilities.
10. More (info) the merrier. Attach further information as an appendix if you feel it supports your application.
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