Cycling Scotland is committed to making the Bikeability Scotland training programme as inclusive as possible.
As per our mission statement, we aim to create and deliver opportunities and an environment so anyone, anywhere in Scotland can cycle easily and safely. While there will be certain outcomes of the training that represent practical impossibilities for some individuals, that should in no way preclude them from accessing and enjoying the many and various benefits of Bikeability Scotland, or cycling in general.
In the first instance, all pupils with additional support needs should be assessed on an individual basis by the lead instructor prior to attending training. The support required will depend on their disability and the effect of this on their ability to cycle. It may often be a simple case of asking for extra volunteer support, or investigating the use of an adapted bike, in order for the pupil to take part in the training. Any concerns in assessing the trainee's needs should be addressed by speaking to the pupil themselves, their parent/guardian, their teacher/support worker, the local authority co-ordinator and/or anyone else relevant who's involved in their support.
If you are already a Bikeability Scotland instructor, you can access a free, one day CPD course on delivering inclusive cycle training.
The Delivering Inclusive Cycle Training Workshop is a one-day course that provides instructors with support to ensure cycle training sessions are inclusive to all trainees, through classroom based activities and outdoor practical sessions.
Good practice
The inclusive cycle training course is based on a good practice guide, produced by the Department for Transport (DfT).
Instructor training
Cycling Scotland is fully committed to unimpeded access to, and equal opportunities in assessment, and will consider the needs of all potential training course candidates. This includes candidates with a range of impairments such as physical or mental impairments which have a long term adverse effect on that person, or protected characteristics which would not prevent them from completing their instructional duties competently.
Cycling Scotland will strive to make its training courses accessible to all candidates who are capable of demonstrating their competence, thereby minimising any later need to make any further reasonable adjustments for the candidate. If however it is felt that, despite the accessibility of Cycling Scotland’s training, a candidate with a particular requirement should be offered extra assistance, this can be done. In such cases, Cycling Scotland will make reasonable adjustments for candidates with particular requirements to ensure that the candidate can access training and assessment, and demonstrate attainment.
Further details on reasonable adjustments and specific assessment requirements can be found in Cycling Scotland’s training policy document.

For further advice and information there are a number of locally based organisations which offer support in all ability cycle instruction. To find out what support is available near you, contact your local authority Bikeability Scotland coordinator in the first instance, or the Bikeability Scotland team directly at bikeability@cycling.scot.
Additionally, you may find the Wheels for Wellbeing, ‘Guide to Inclusive Cycling’, a useful reference resource.