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Attitudes and Behaviours Research

About our Attitudes and Behaviours research

Scottish population-wide longitudinal research into behaviours and attitudes towards cycling.

Our independent tracker research began in 2017 and now runs every year.

How representative is the research?

To ensure that those surveyed are representative of the Scottish population, we conduct approximately 1,000 interviews, cover most Scottish local authority areas, and set quotas based on demographics (age, gender, socio-economic group).

Why are we carrying out the research?

Understanding perceptions of and barriers to cycling provides us with robust data to inform our work and the work of others.

What attitudes and behaviours are explored?

Methods of transport

  • Methods used for routine journeys
  • Reasons for choices
  • Types of journey

Cycling behaviours

  • Frequency for routine journeys
  • Reasons for choosing cycling
  • Frequency for leisure and sport

Attitudes towards cycling

  • General views on cycling
  • Motivations and barriers
  • Propensity to increase cycling

How is the data shared?

Each year Cycling Scotland publishes a research report that draws together the findings and shows what has changed over time.

Knowledge and data