Local authorities are invited once a year to apply for Support Plus funding, which can pay for the cost of getting instructors trained, recruiting instructor mentors who can assist new instructors, supply teachers to enable teachers to attend instructor training, costs associated with recruiting volunteer instructors, and any equipment needed for training.
Cycling Scotland contacts local authority coordinators when the fund is open for applications.
Cycling Scotland provides all Bikeability Scotland resources free to local authorities, in return for annual data about the number of pupils who have received training.
We also provide the Cycle Trainer course free to Local Authorities.
Most instructors take the one-day Bikeability Scotland Instructor course, which enables them to deliver Levels 1 and 2 of Bikeability Scotland.
You can deliver Bikeability Scotland Instructor courses in-house if you have someone within your local authority with a Bikeability Scotland Instructor Trainer qualification.
If you wish to put instructors on the four-day Cycle Trainer course (enabling them to deliver all three levels of Bikeability Scotland), this will need to be delivered by a Cycling Scotland Tutor.
You can contact the Bikeability Team at Cycling Scotland with any training enquiries or questions about specific training courses.
Bikeability Scotland is the national cycle training programme for school children. You can find a summary of how it is structured, managed and delivered alongside the benefits for Scotland’s children including health, wellbeing, confidence and risk awareness, by visiting our website overview page.
As the majority of Bikeability Scotland training is delivered in schools and increasingly forms part of the Physical Education and/or wider curriculum, Cycling Scotland recognises the importance of explicitly demonstrating how cycle training fits within the context of the Curriculum for Excellence.
Our website contains information about specific Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes that Bikeability Scotland training supports and sets out how the Physical Education Significant Aspects of Learning can be applied directly to the activity of cycling.
The National Standard for Cycle Training (the ‘National Standard’) is a statement of competent cycling and cycling instruction.
Cycling Scotland is represented on the Cycle Training Standards Board and is committed to developing and delivering courses in line with the National standard for cycle training.
The standard is maintained by the Department for Transport and provides a series of outcomes covering the skills necessary for cycle instructors and people cycling in different road conditions.
Bikeability Scotland is managed by Cycling Scotland on behalf of the Bikeability Scotland Delivery Group (BSDG).