If you would like your child to continue with their Bikeability Scotland training but on-road training (Level 2) is not currently provided, there are practical steps that you can take.
Let your school know how important this next stage is.
Cycling on roads is a big next step. If you feel that the skills and confidence required are best developed in a school setting, you can contact your school directly.
Could you help your school to deliver Level 2 on-road cycle training by becoming an instructor yourself?
For Level 2 Bikeability Scotland training, schools require one instructor for every eight pupils. This can present challenges for some schools who might only have enough volunteers to cover Level 1 training.
If this is something that either yourself or another parent or guardian might be able to do, the first step is to contact your school and let them know that you are interested.
In the meantime, have a look at our training website which contains information about what is involved in becoming a Bikeability Scotland instructor and how it can benefit your personal development as well as supporting your child and their school.
For instructors